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7&Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 7 3:S 7H2u歗 7oFlexible n-Type Tungsten Carbide/Polylactic Acid Thermoelectric Composites Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing 7Coatings 7\g8l 7 3:S 7Dalton Transactions 7bSelective aerobic oxidation of halides and amines with an inorganic-ligand supported zinc catalyst 7媠Y梇 7 2:S 7笅^噀 7Influence of poly (methacrylate-co-maleic anhydride) pour point depressant with various pendants on low-temperature flowability of diesel fue 7Fuel 7 N 9N 7轔蔕 7 RSC Advances 7nThe effects of PVP-modified SiO2 on the catalytic performance of CO hydrogenation over Rh-Mn-Li/SiO2 catalyst. 7| Highly efficient synthesis of C2+ oxygenates from CO hydrogenation over Rh-Mn-Li/SiO2 catalyst: The effect of TiO2 promoter 7Catalysis Letters 7 3:S 7媱^ 7High quantum efficiency far red emission from double perovskite structured CaLaMgMO6:Mn4+ (M = Nb, Ta) phosphor for UV-based light emitting diodes application 7Optical Materials 7sQ)R 7Improved electrochemical performance of RbxLi1.27-xCr0.2Mn0.53O2 cathode materials via incorporation of rubidium cations into the original Li sites 7&Journal of The Electrochemical Society 7<8^ z穅 7 2:S 7 Pg檈褃f[N錧 zf[b 7恄~ 7Efficient Active Oxygen Free Radical Generated in Tumor Cell by Loading-(HCONH2).H2O2 Delivery Nanosystem with Soft-X-ray Radiotherapy 7 Materials 70Ns^ 7MHigh Rate Performance of Na3V2-xCux(PO4)3/C Cathodes for Sodium Ion Batteries 7鄗琎慛 7W:_ 7Fabrication mechanism and photocatalytic activity for a novel graphene oxide hybrid functionalized with tetrakis-(4-hydroxylphenyl)porphyrin and 1-pyrenesulfonic acid 7Applied Surface Science 7NgTn 7 2:S 71gdW 7kNovel and Highly Active Potassium Niobate-Based Photocatalyst for Dramatically Enhanced Hydrogen Production 7'ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING 7Assembly of Potassium Niobate Nanosheets/Silver Oxide Composite Films with Good SERS Performance Towards Crystal Violet Detection 7*JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS 7 3:S 7韾f 7vFacile fabrication of a novel pyridinelyethyne/ titanium dioxide nanotube hybrid with high photoelectronic performance 7Materials Letters 7闂墐  7] Molecular Mechanism of Loading Sulfur Hexafluoride in  Cyclodextrin Metal"Organic Framework 7#The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 7Ng蔕 7MFlexible Thermoelectric Composite Films of Polypyrrole Nanotubes Coated Paper 7R塻餦 7褠癳餦 7oBandgap engineering of Cu2Sn(S,Se)3 semiconductor nanocrystals and their applications in thin film solar cells. 7恄v 7!Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 7hT:嶈 74T噀Z 73:S 7Facile preparation and luminescence performance of transparent YAG:Ce phosphor-in-tellurate-glass inorganic color converter for white-light-emitting diodes 7wEffect of annealing in hydrogen atmosphere on the photoluminescence properties of phosphor-in- glass in tellurate glass 7鎦s倕h 7$Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 7Hyaluronic acid-modified cationic niosomes for ocular gene delivery: improving transfection efficiency in retinal pigment epithelium 7u墐 7 3:S 7鳶9e9e 7fBoundary role of Nano-Pd catalyst supported on ceria and the approach of promoting the boundary effect 7Molecular Catalysis 7 2:S 7hTs 7A highly moisture-resistant binary M3Co16Ox composite oxide catalysts wrapped by polymer nanofilm for effective low temperature CO oxidation 7Applied Catalysis A: General 7泤誵 7WPoisoning effect of CaO on Cu/ZSM-5 for the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH 7Catalysis Communication 7韾Sff 7媠P[f 7fThe study of luminescence properties on Ce:YAG phosphor in glass co-sintered at different temperatures 7 _p慛 7Facile fabrication and luminescence characteristics of a mixture of phosphors (LuAG: Ce and CaAlSiN3: Eu) in glass for white LED 7High Color Rendering Index of Warm WLED Based on LuAG: Ce3+ PiG Coated CaAlSiN3: Eu2+ Phosphor Film for Residential Lighting Applications 7RNyf 7kEffect of gallium ion content on thermal stability and reliability of YAG: Ce phosphor films for white LEDs 7箰決 7Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of CuO-ZnO-ZrO2 as catalyst for direct synthesis of methanol by carbon dioxide hydrogenation 7Energy Technology 7臑睶 7踜N頷 7 2:S 7鎉卙 7Highly effcient synthesis of dimethyl ether directly from biomass-derived gas over Li-modified Cu-ZnO-Al2O3/HZSM-5 hybrid catalyst 7Renewable Energy 7 2:S  7媠済 7gEnhanced performance of the CuO-ZnO-ZrO2 catalyst for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol by WO3 modification 7RL 7Co3O4/CoP composite hollow polyhedron: A superior catalyst with dramatic efficiency and stability for the room temperature reduction of 4-nitrophenol 7穅讒姅 7鄗梘 7Catalysis Science & Technology 7A novel three-dimensional pyridine-pillared graphene assembly for enhanced electron transfer and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution 7 2:S 7Materials Technology 7HPreparation and reliability of flexible phosphor film for warm white LED 7Ng钖  7Pg檈黐 7 Y\JS褢^\TaAsUSvf剉xvz蹚U\  7乭蔕n 7W Palladium-Catalyzed Benzodifluoroalkylation of Alkynes: A Route to Fluorine-Containing 7Adv. 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